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The all-new RS Polisher is the final step to the famous Bioclear™ “Rock Star Polish”. The RS polisher is to be used after the pre-polish with the Magic Mix. When used with water and heavy pressure the RS Polisher will create a mylar like surface. The updated formula creates a final polish faster than ever before without breaking down.
21st-century Class III restoration using a Bioclear Matrix with injection molding


View the case study 3M 21st-century Class III restoration using a Bioclear Matrix with injection molding by Dr. Young.
Class II Restoration using the Bioclear Method. Preview: Final Step Rock Star Polish.

View the full step-by-step Class II Restoration using the Bioclear Method Guide.
Watch and follow along with Dr. Kim as she demonstrates how to achieve Bioclear's Rockstar Polish using Bioclear's Magic Mix and RS Polishers.
Learn how to use the Push-Pull Instrument with the Spot Weld Technique, the Go/No-Go Instrument, and the two-step Rockstar Polish.
The Clark Push-Pull instrument is the "light saber" of tools. From teaching to actually using, the Push-Pull instrument is a must have.
Bioclear RS Polishers are available in two shapes:
- Cup (Item Number: 203041): 10-Pack
- Flame (203031): 10-Pack
View the clinical technique article The Dawn of Injection Molded Composite Dentistry in Dentistry Today with Dr. Jihyon Kim where she describes the Rock Star polishing method complete with visual examples of the end result (figures 6c & 7c).