What is the Bioclear™ Method?
Learn about the latest, most progressive products and techniques evolving from the traditional preparations and matrixing systems for anterior and posterior composites.
Bioclear Matrix is a metamorphose in the dental industry offering more affordable options with superior results.
* Canadian dental practices only
Black Triangles with the Bioclear Method


Deep Class IV Restoration with the Bioclear Method


Posterior Restoration with the Bioclear Method


Why bioclear?
The Bioclear Method have changed the course of dental restorations by bringing new dimensions to aesthetics and function through cutting edge procedural advantage. Bioclear is a clear advancement in the dental industry offering more affordable options for superior results.
Perform a variety of esthetic treatments easily, predictably and confidently.
Everyday and advanced Anterior & Posterior Restorations
Solving Black Triangle issues
Diastema Closures
Redefine the way you think about restorative dentistry.
* 3M and Bioclear® are a natural match for modern dentistry. Our Bioclear Method collection page features advanced Bioclear products and materials from 3M needed for the Bioclear Method.
The Bioclear Method: Step-by-Step
Follow these steps of the Bioclear Method to achieve conservation of enamel and create long-lasting restorations:
1. Removal of biofilm before bonding.
2. Preparations for composite maximizing enamel involvement.
3. The use of clear anatomically shaped mylar matrices.
4. Injection molding warm 3M Filtek composite.
5. Establishing the final “rock star” polish.
The efficacy of the Bioclear Method is backed by scientific studies. Following all five steps consecutively will be rewarded by achieving long-term bond to enamel without sacrificing a healthy tooth structure. Patients will benefit from the concept of additive dentistry with no tissue inflammation, no roughness, no floss tearing, and an assurance that the restoration will be as strong as porcelain. Let's take a closer look at the Bioclear Method pillars:
1. Biofilm Removal

Photo courtesy of Dr. David Clark
Microorganisms that live on a tooth surface contribute to the degradation of resin restorations. Removal of biofilm provides a clean surface for the adhesion of composite resins, which in turn reduces staining and recurrent caries at the tooth-restoration interface.
- Pinna R, Usai P, Filigheddu E, Garcia-Godoy F, Milia E. The role of adhesive materials and oral biofilm in the failure of adhesive resin restorations. Am J Dent. 2017 Oct;30(5):285-292. PMID: 29178733, from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29178733/
- Jacker-Guhr S, Sander J, Luehrs AK. How "Universal" is Adhesion? Shear Bond Strength of Multi-mode Adhesives to Enamel and Dentin. J Adhes Dent. 2019;21(1):87-95. doi: 10.3290/j.jad.a41974. PMID: 30799475, from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30799475/
- Jeon, B.-K., Lee, C.-H., Kim, A. R., Han, S. H., Kim, H.-J., Antonson, S. A., & Kim, S.-Y. (2020, June 18). Effect of etching procedures on the adhesion of biofilm-coated dentin. MDPI. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/13/12/2762.
2. Prep Design

G.V. Black Class II (left) vs. Clark's Class II (right). Image courtesy of Dr. Alex Fok, Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics.
The Finite Analysis of traditional cavity preps (left) and the Clark Class II (right) shows that the low C-Factor (stress due to polymerization shrinkage) of the infinity edge areas of the Clark Class II allow the composite to go into compression rather than tension as the composite shrinks in contrast to the tension created in traditional preps.
The 2019 study confirmed that changing the angle of the bur in relation to the flat surface of the tooth to 120˚ or 135˚ resulted in a significantly lower marginal gap formation and stress concentrations were smaller and were located in the dental structure. The unique prep design of the Bioclear Method allowing just that.

Fig. 1: Non-beveled direct composite restoration after 180 days exhibiting a marginal gap in the cervical wall. Image courtesy of Flavio Fernando Demarco.

Fig. 1: Beveled direct composite restoration exhibiting gap-free cervical margin after 180 days. Image courtesy of Flavio Fernando Demarco.
The wide-radius enamel bevel in addition to the infinity edge margin opens fewer dentinal tubules than a traditional box prep, aids composite bonding, and results in improved fracture resistance and marginal adaptation.
- Are dental schools moving beyond the GV Black Era? Dentistry Today. (2021, September 30). Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://www.dentistrytoday.com/are-dental-schools-moving-beyond-the-gv-black-era/.
- de Oliveira Correia, A. M., Maciel Pereiraa, V. E., & Bresciani, E. (n.d.). Influence of cavosurface angle on the stress concentration and gaps formation in class V resin composite restorations. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/bitstream/handle/1805/21944/Correia_2019_influence.pdf
- Coelho-De-Souza, Fábio & Camacho, Guilherme & Demarco, Flavio & Powers, John. (2008). Fracture Resistance and Gap Formation of MOD Restorations: Influence of Restorative Technique, Bevel Preparation and Water Storage. Operative dentistry. 33. 37-43. 10.2341/07-27, from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5516088_Fracture_Resistance_and_Gap_Formation_of_MOD_Restorations_Influence_of_Restorative_Technique_Bevel_Preparation_and_Water_Storage
3. Clear Anatomically Shaped Matrices

Photo courtesy of Dr. David Clark
Clear anatomically shaped matrices are the next evolutionary step in sectional matrix systems which allow for excellent cervical adaptation. Clear matrices are superior to flat Mylar strips and engineered to maintain the ideal interproximal shape even after placement and manipulation. Clear matrices distort less than the metal ones, and any distortions can be resolved once positioned, due to their increased elasticity. No burnishing needed.
- Bailey, O. Sectional matrix solutions: the distorted truth. Br Dent J 231, 547–555 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41415-021-3608-5 from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41415-021-3608-5
- Health-108, O. (2010, October 31). Matrix systems and the class II composite resin. Oral Health Group. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.oralhealthgroup.com/features/matrix-systems-and-the-class-ii-composite-resin/.
- Peumans et al, M. (n.d.). Effective Protocol for Daily High-quality Direct Posterior Composite Restorations. The Interdental Anatomy of the Class 2 Composite Restoration. Scribd. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.scribd.com/document/533085755/Peumans-et-al-JAD-1-21-author-s-copy-1.
4. Injection molding with heated composite

Photo courtesy of Dr. David Clark
The Bioclear injection molding technique creates infinity edge margins and mirror-smooth restorations which result in less microleakage and, due to a patented chemistry of 3M™ Filtek™ composites, reduce the amount of shrinkage and stress that occurs during polymerization.
- Wagner WC, Aksu MN, Neme AM, Linger JB, Pink FE, Walker S. Effect of pre-heating resin composite on restoration microleakage. Oper Dent. 2008 Jan-Feb;33(1):72-8. doi: 10.2341/07-41. Erratum in: Oper Dent. 2009 Mar-Apr;34(2):246. Asku, Mert N [corrected to Aksu, Mert N]. PMID: 18335736, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18335736/
- Bausch JR, de Lange C, Davidson CL. The influence of temperature on some physical properties of dental composites. J Oral Rehabil. 1981 Jun;8(4):309-17. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.1981.tb00505.x. PMID: 6456336, from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6456336/
- Dunbar, T. (2019). Can a flowable be cured beneath an incremental/bulk-fill resin-based composite? Can a Flowable be Cured Beneath an Incremental/Bulk-fill Resin-based Composite? IADR Abstract Archives. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://iadr.abstractarchives.com/abstract/19iags-3176766/can-a-flowable-be-cured-beneath-an-incrementalbulk-fill-resin-based-composite.
5. Rock Star Polish

Photo courtesy of Dr. David Clark
The Bioclear™ two-step Rockstar Polish is designed to give composite restorations a phenomenal finish and shine. The first step of the Rock Star Polish, the Magic Mix pre-polisher, marginates to the infinity edge and creates the perfect matte finish while the second step of the Rock Star Polish, the RS Polisher, leaves a mirror finish to the restoration. This, in combination with 3M™ Filtek™ Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative, results in less surface roughness which slows build-up of dental plaque and bacteria.
- LeSage, B.P. (2011). Finishing and polishing criteria for minimally invasive composite restorations. General dentistry, 59 6, 422-8; quiz 429-30, from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Finishing-and-polishing-criteria-for-minimally-LeSage/01f9329480a6b9e8ac481dd57210c56b508d7542?p2df
- O'Neill C, Kreplak L, Rueggeberg FA, Labrie D, Shimokawa CAK, Price RB. Effect of tooth brushing on gloss retention and surface roughness of five bulk-fill resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2018 Jan;30(1):59-69. doi: 10.1111/jerd.12350. Epub 2017 Dec 5. PMID: 29205770, from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29205770/
Bioclear Resource Centre
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Bioclear's Black Triangle Matrix System
See how to use Bioclear's new Black Triangle Matrix System with 3M Oral Care's products to create a fantastic restoration. Together we are on a mission to close the dreaded "Black Triangle."
Introduction to the Bioclear Method
The modern Class II has come along way from G.V. Black preps, multiple layers, metal matrices and wooden wedges.
Let's bring you up to date!

Illustrated Class II Procedural Guide
Bioclear, in partnership with 3M, has created a handy illustrated Class II procedural guide. This guide shows each step and states which products are being used in each step and is great as a quick guide that you can have in your op!

Find Bioclear courses
Learn Bioclear Method hands-on in-person and online. Find courses and webinars for Canadian dentists on CRD CE Calendar or visit the Bioclear Learning Centre.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Traditional Class II Restorations by David Clark, DDS in Dentistry Today
Dr. Clark explores the seven deadly sins of traditional posterior restorations - tired or weak separators; lack of anatomical adaptation from traditional wooden wedges; burnishing; lack of problem solving; boxy preps; not removal of biofilm; excess layering. Read about modern dentistry solutions the Bioclear Method offers.

A New Direction in Restoring Interproximal Caries in Posterior Teeth: The Bioclear Method by Rafael A. Bustamante, BSC, DDS in Clinical Life (p. 14)
The Bioclear Method, when properly applied, can make a difference in your clinical practice and the health of your patients. Read the case presented by Dr. Bustamante and how the Bioclear Method helps to engineer strength and durability of interpoximal posterior restorations.

Predictable Treatment Technique for Solving the Black Triangle Dilemma: The Bioclear Method by Taras Konanec, DDS on Clinical Research Dental blog
This article will discuss the treatment of mandibular black triangles using anatomically shaped mylar matrices and injection molding heated composite resin utilizing the Bioclear Method. It is the author’s opinion that this is the most conservative and most predictable way to treat such esthetic dilemmas. If unfamiliar with this technique, clinicians may want to consider its merits as it does not involve any sacrifice of healthy tooth structure, and it embraces the concept of “additive only dentistry”.
Welcome to the Bioclear Method experience!
Request a Hands-On Demo
The Bioclear Method hands-on demonstrations are only provided for customers in Canada and some Caribbean countries.
Is Bioclear Method better? It is definitely a great solution for Diastemas and Black Triangles as it delivers durable, stain-resistant, and longer-lasting anterior restoration. In some cases, the Bioclear Method may be a better solution instead of a crown.
Learn how to use Bioclear clear through matrices, diamond wedges, Twin Rings and master the Bioclear Method! Fill out the form to request your personalized Bioclear Method Demo. Our Bioclear™ certified representatives will visit your practice or reach out virtually to demonstrate the Bioclear Method and explain unique prep designs and injection molding techniques.
You will learn the science behind:
- the need to remove biofilm from the tooth surface;
- preparation design that minimizes stress concentration;
- anatomic tooth forms achieved by Bioclear matrices;
- the Infinity Edge technique;
- injection molding with heated composite.
Make a difference in your clinical practice and the health of your patients with the Bioclear Method.

BIOCLEAR was founded in 2007 by dentist and inventor Dr David Clark with the vision of creating a new system of products for a modern approach to restorative dentistry. Bioclear Matrix offers the latest, most progressive products and techniques evolving from the traditional preparations and matrixing systems for anterior and posterior composites. The Bioclear Method for composites is a shift in dentistry offering more affordable options with superior results. Bioclear’s mission is to provide dentists with the tools and equipment to allow for longer lasting, stronger, and aesthetically superior composites. Popular products include Bioclear Complete Anterior Matrix System, Black Triangle Kit, Bioclear Complete Biofit HD Posterior Matrix, Evolve Matrix, Twin Ring Matrix Rings and the Diamond Wedges.
Buy Bioclear products from Clinical Research Dental, an authorized Bioclear distributor in Canada.
Visit Bioclear's website: bioclearmatrix.com