IMPORTANT - Please Read Next Steps Below

Thank you for registering! Every registration is manually reviewed to ensure that it is associated with a licensed and actively practicing Canadian or Caribbean dental professional.

Please note:

- It may take up to 1 business day for your registration to be processed (until your registration is processed, you will not be able to login or see pricing)

- If your registration is approved, you will receive an email granting access to your account. Once you receive this email, you are able to log in on the website using the password you set during the registration, view product pricing and place online orders.

- If your registration is rejected, you will receive an email informing you. We reject registrations for many reasons including but not limited to, not enough details in your registration and registrations from practicing dentists outside of Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean.

- If you need to change any details in your registration, instead of submitting a new registration, please contact us using one of the options below and we will be able to update your registration information.

If you have any questions please contact us through our Live Chat at the bottom right of the screen, email us at or call us at 1-800-265-3444.